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It's Business Time

A wonderful friend of mine invited me to be a part of an outdoor vendors market a little over three weeks from now and I am painfully and woefully unprepared.

Not only has this business only been standing on it's own two feet for a just few shorts weeks, but I have never done an outdoor market before. I haven't done any market before, actually. So I have three weeks to produce enough merchandise to sell, and keep my display stocked, prepare and display all my items, find ways to display my stuff, pick which furniture will be making the cut to travel with me, and then there is figuring out how on earth I'm going to lug around furniture to an outdoor market!

It's a little daunting. If I take it one step at a time, I usually feel much less overwhelmed, so last night I took the first step and designed and ordered some new business cards.

Pretty shnazzy, right? I was also thinking if I do present myself publicly for my business maybe I should get myself one of these...

I couldn't resist! Now I'm all set to try my hand at selling my DIY at an outdoor market. If only I had some elves or minions to help me!

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